To organically transmit the faith within the Christian Community as it has been received, understood, celebrated and lived, so that the faithful may enjoy fullness of life in Christ.
Dear Fathers, catechism teachers and my beloved students of catechism. I want to assure you that I am deeply interested in helping you to be good Christians in the Church and in the world and to be committed disciples of Jesus.
To be a good Christian in this world is God’s precious gift to us. A Christian is someone who has Jesus Christ within himself/herself. Jesus is the greatest gift of God to us. Therefore, in the diocese of Pune we are making all efforts to help people know Jesus, to love and serve him and to love and serve one another.
How can we know more about Jesus? The Bible especially the Gospels and the other books of the New Testament contain the life-story and the teachings of Jesus. The Church is the family of Jesus and is responsible for passing on the teachings of Jesus and educating the younger generation in the truths of the faith. The Church encourages us to know our faith well and provides us with plenty of resources in order to understand. To help us know our faith better we have catechism classes and to organize these classes we have the Catechetical Centre.
The Diocesan Catechetical Centre is launching its website to provide you all with regular information about the various programs, activities, meetings, courses of faith formation etc. Through this venture, it is looking forward to make this website an effective instrument of evangelization. Here one can find ample resources to learn about the Christian faith.
I earnestly pray that this website becomes an instrument of transformation in the lives of those who visit it and I encourage everyone to sincerely make use of it to grow as disciples of Jesus and agents of love in this world.
God bless you all!
– Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues
Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways. In the words of Pope Francis “The web and social networks have created a new way of communicating and bonding.” Social networking sites provide an extraordinary opportunity for dialogue, encounter and exchange between persons, as well as access to information and knowledge. Pope Francis urges the young people to use social media to spread good and healthy messages which are capable of building up society and bringing true freedom, thus helping establish the Kingdom of God.
The Diocesan Catechetical Centre has worked tirelessly towards the noble goal of faith formation in the parishes as well as in the schools in the diocese of Pune. We are happy to announce the launch of our website. The purpose of this website is to provide easy access to the faithful especially faith formators and our young catechism children to the message of Christ. The website aims at being an instrument of evangelization to all those within and beyond the diocese of Pune.
Salesians Pune
Diocesan Catechetical Centre Pune
4 Koregaon Road
Pune 411 001
Contact: +91 9975940672
Email: salcatpune2016@gmail.com
Salesians Pune